Feeling on top of the world..! (Photograph taken by: Press 22)
We are all on the edge of our seats now as the time to the Marathon draws even closer. Just under two weeks to go now and all of the Team are pulling out the stops. Simon is like a lab rat being pulled and dragged in every direction at the moment, but it is deemed necessary for the final phase of the project. Simon is under control with everything and is focusing both mind and body on the task at hand. He is very confident and positive.

We had a general meeting, the last of which all the Team will sit together before the race day. Plans are now in place for pit stops, travel, Nutrition and Supplements which have been kindly sponsored by USN Ireland, and any accessories that are required on the day. But our main concern was the shin splints in Simon’s leg as they are a constant niggle. It was decided by both Biomechanics Department and the Physiology departments, and in conjunction with IDS that Simon would need a wedge inserted into his runner to shift him back over as he was pronating. As a result it has given Simon greater Stability and better alignment.

Simon was given strict instructions to now rest up the leg and to focus his attention to the pool, doing aqua jogging. He has also been told to focus on core work and flexibility keeping the joints supple and a regular blood flow to all muscles. He is receiving regular sessions with Orla Smyth to iron out any knots.

All in all everything is on track as the deadline approaches .

                                                                                                                Jason Kenny

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