Simon arrived at Delta Sports Dome’s Altitude Gym on Friday to partake in an aerobic based circuit session with Andrew O Neill Bsc Sports & Exercise Science & Director of The Altitude Gym. The gym simulates training at Altitude by pumping hypoxic air into the room. This particular gym can simulate altitudes anywhere from sea- level to 5000m above sea level, this equates to oxygen levels of 21% to 11%.  Simon and his trainer Strength & Conditioning Coach Jason Kenny trained at 2800m or 15% oxygen levels. When the human body is exposed to reduced oxygen levels it struggles to produce the same amount of energy that it would at normal sea level conditions. This struggle means a host of physiological adaptations occur that enhance the bodies respiratory and cardio-vascular systems. In simple terms our aim is to get Simons body to utilise oxygen more efficiently and increase his V02 max in a smaller time period than would be required if training at sea level conditions as he is now only 7 weeks out from the marathon.

                                 Simon baseline heart rate and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) levels were measured before he entered the gym. Simon completed a simple ramp test to see how susceptible he was to altitude, during this test his heart rate and (SpO2) levels were continually monitored. After a few minutes recovery the two boys started the session. This included 3 different sections:

Section 1 Treadmill: 6x 30sec on/ 30 sec off @ 16km/hr

2 min recovery

Section 2 Row: 6 x 150m rows (aim was to complete each one in under 30 sec) / 30 sec recovery after each one.

2min recovery

Section 3 Bike: 6 x 30sec on/ 30 sec off @ gear 15 and Aim was to stay over 130 RPM on each effort

5 min recovery/cool Down

Again throughout the session the guys SpO2 levels and Heart Rate were continually monitored. From this we noted Simon is capable of working at an intensity that drops his SpO2 % levels into the low 70’s. This is a testament to the athlete he has become and his training to date, as most athletes once they reach the lower 80’s tend to give up!  It was a joy working with Simon and seeing how driven he is to achieve his goal.

13/8/2013 08:55:36 pm

It is really inspiring to see Simon at work. His determination and confidence really helps people to head any challenge coming their way and to come out of it breathing. I do wish him luck for his future athletic events.


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