On the 25th of August Simon competed in the Dublin 10 Mile race in preparation for the Dublin Marathon. Simon completed this with a group of 12 people from IDS in cappagh Hospital. Simon ran with the group as they were there to support and encouarge his fantastic achievements to date and considering 90% of this group never ran before, so it was an amazing result for everyone involved. After much pressure Simon was forced to leave the group and to get in a good run. Considering a couple of pit stops to attend to his leg he did a good run in 1:24:44hrs. Well done to everyone involved and it's fantastic to see everyone making such a huge effort and being there to support Simon. Well done...!

Also this week Simon started increasing his miles. He knocked up a staggering 68miles. Simon is doing veryu well and is comfortable now with his leg. All the fine tunning has finally paid off and he is able to concentrate now on his runs. A few issues that have arisen is the issue with his shin on his left foot, with excess compensation and constant pounding it has left him with some discomfort around the tibia. With rest he is recovering well and using hot and cold packs has taken down the inflamation nicely. Alowing him to continue on with his training. 

Simon on home stretch after doing 16.2 miles

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