This week proved a Milestone in the Out on a Limb project. Simon covered his first four miles and was covering a mile in 7min 40secs. Simon was ecstatic and some what emotional as it has been 8yrs since he last did any kind of running, and as he say himself, ' The most i ever did was run to the shop'.

  After a visit to IDS in Dublin,they were amazed to see that Simon's right leg had turned in and back into a more natural position. As a result his running blade needed to be re-adjusted and setup to compensate for such changes. All his hard work has paid off and he is feeling fantastic.

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8 weeks of inetnse training and testing and already I can see huge changes in Simon. He has had difficulty with his balance, weakness in core, his hip flexors, gluteals, abductors, adductors. His cardio fitness was average but running any extended period of time would cause heavy breathing and fatigue.

Now into the 8th week and Simon's balance has dramatically improved, he has been concentrating on abductor and aductors in training and developing core stability. He now has a larger lung volume due to HIIT training and running, increasing his cardio levels. His confidence levels are up and he is now well adjusted to his new running prosthetic blade. 

                                                                                                                                                Jason Kenny