Biomechanics two months in…
Simon was back in the biomechanics lab today for his first follow-up tests since the baseline analysis. Dr Drew Harrison and I tested balance performance using an adapted Start Excursion Balance Test and also walking gait and running gait footstrike forces using an AMTI force platform.

The balance test required Simon to balance on one leg while reaching in a controlled movement with the opposite foot as far along forward diagonal and rear target lines on the floor as he could. For all the anterior balance directions Simon has improved 7%, with more pronounced balance improvements for the right IDS prosthetic leg.
We were concerned during baseline testing about the asymmetry between the left and right legs visually when walking and running, and for underfoot footstrike force. In January there was an 11.2% difference in underfoot vertical force between the legs, now in April there is only 2.5% difference.

Simon’s strength training with Jason for gluteals and medial quadriceps for the right amputee leg have made a huge difference to produce a smoother and more symmetrical running style.
We are Looking forward to the June set of biomechanics tests when we will assess drop jump power output again!

                                                                                                                                       Dr. Ian Kenny