A fantastic day was had at the Great Limerick Run and another 10k completed by Simon. With 4,500 people taking part it was an experience weaving in and out of the crowds and still trying to keep momentum going. It certainly tested lateral movements and Simon's ability to stop suddenly while using the blade. At times itthrough out it felt as though we were taking part in plyometric training from running up and down on footpaths. The weather was amazing, even a little too hot adding to the need for more uptake of water more frequently than usually required. All of this was of course learning curves. On top of all this we decided to run it barefoot, being well adjusted at this stage to the vibrams, it seemed like a perfect forum to put them to the real test and Simon felt fantastic on the Blade. On plus side there were no issues with muscle cramping, dehydrtaion or running form. On a down side it was an effort trying to get through the masses of people huddled together, making it difficult to keep a smooth pace. We crossed the finish line with a full 150mtr sprint to the delight of the crowds and with a finish time of 51min. A nice mild day of training for us...!
                                                                                                                                             Jason Kenny
22/7/2013 05:24:14 pm

Way to go Simon. You have to know that you are really motivating a lot of people. Even though you are using the blades, you are achieving heights because of your determination. Imagine, what young people can achieve with your kind of mindset and positive attitude.

5/9/2013 10:19:21 am

Your blog looked so simple to design that I decided to create one, thanks!

26/1/2015 02:27:12 pm

As a mother, I don’t want to try and force my tastes on my kids, but some time when I’d like them to give some intellectual game which is used for their studies. Because some games are really helpful for increasing creative ability. I regularly play with my kids. We are done multiple designs by using bucky balls, square box and etc… I give some ideas to my children for making innovatively. Automatically, those are the games that my children also want to try and play.


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